Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0
Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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From the Radio Free Michigan archives
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By Larry Pratt, Executive Director
Gun Owners of America
No matter that the voters have rejected gun control, Congress
has not. That is why we need to get going right now to lock in
those new Congressmen and Senators who claim to be our friends.
It is time we began asking Congress, "what have you done to
reaffirm our Second Amendment rights lately?
Now is the time to start writing your Congressman and both
Senators about pro-gun efforts you wish them to undertake.
Don't wait for the other side to introduce a bad bill.
The elections proved that we need not always win to protect
our gun rights. Now it is time for our side to make sure all these
new people get on record. If pro-gun Congressmen and Senators
force roll-call votes on firearms on a regular basis, then all
of us can see where we stand. A roll-call vote is much easier
to judge than is the pro-gun rhetoric that all politicians
generally use. Even Ted Kennedy claims to be in favor of the
Second Amendment. Words can be fuzzed over. Actions matter.
Pro-Gun Agenda For This Congress
--Pass Congressman Roscoe Bartlett's Citizens' Self-Defense Act
--Repeal of the ban on so-called assault weapons.
--Repeal of the mandatory waiting period.
--Eliminate any background check system that is technically
capable of creating a computerized list of gun owners.
--Repeal of the import ban on certain rifles and shotguns
imposed by either President Bush or President Clinton.
--Repeal of the import ban on steel-cored 7.62 ammunition.
--Repeal of any environmental law that could be used to ban
firearms or ammunition (which California is doing); preempting
states and localities from doing the same thing.
--Repeal of the "sporting purposes" test in federal firearms
laws. The Second Amendment was meant to protect more than
target shooting or duck hunting.
--Require that states and localities must allow law-abiding
citizens to legally own firearms.
--Hearings on the BATF abuse of its authority in the area of
FFLs and its defiance of federal law by computerizing lists of
firearms buyers from dealer records.
--Hearings on the murder of the Branch Davidians by the BATF.
Janet Reno and others put under oath so that perjury
prosecutions are possible.
--Hearings on the need for federal intervention of behalf of
law-abiding citizens to have the means of effective
self-defense. Local hearings in New York City and Washington,
D.C. (where firearms are effectively banned) could make our case.
Posted 11/11/94 by Gun Owners of America, Department GA, 8001
Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 321-8585
(voice) (703) 321-8408 (fax). We are not yet set up to reply to
(This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the
Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer.
All files are ZIP archives for fast download.
E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)